Monday, January 28, 2008

the snowboarding trip got cancelled because _________.

so i didnt end up going boarding. boo with endless urns. me and my friends were sooo looking forward to it...but the plans fell we ended up eating delicious korean food, and having a nrb party. what is a nrb party you ask? well its the party that goes down in singing rooms. it was quite a hoot if i can say so myself. we went to this really fancy nrb in gangnam called luxury where there is a free ice cream bar and it was only 15queens an hour for a tiny little booth of a room but it was fab because there were only three of us (wow, never ending non-sentences are amazing)....we totally rocked out. i attempted to sing MCR's helena but the rockstar in me is apparently dead, dormant, or never existed. unfortunate really. but perhaps very fortunate for the listening world. sigh. i envy all lead singers in really cool bands. seriously.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

pheonix park ski resort.

tonight im going snowboarding. WOOT.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

a golden celebration is a coming...

okay, so its a very long time away...but im all about premature planning. i live days ahead of myself...evidently not in preparation, but in thought. (i dont expect you to understand since you're assumed to be a few days in thought behind me). lol
so the golden celebration that is coming is the big champagne birthday. its coming for joanne and me. jo is turning 21 on august 21, and im turning 23 on august 23. what a rare coincidence that we are born two days apart and two years apart...weird.
so every year we do some sort of sub par celebration of eating out and just lounging, but its just not going to cut it this year. im up for something grand. two separate extravagant celebrations is what i want. AHAHAH even if jo doesnt. lol and champagne needs to be involved because what is a golden birthday without it? summer minidresses, champagne and cake. smells like gold.

Monday, January 21, 2008

so much for premature planning....

so apparently its assumed that i will stay until the end of the first semester which is end of july. this means that i am suppose to work past my contract which is fine and dandy. its just that nobody has told me this. today i found out second hand. woot. i can use the extra paycheque but nobody felt the need to directly tell me because ________. how gee.
i'll miss the grand eurotrip but maybe cecile will want to go after august? and i can put off school a little longer? *sigh* london is calling!!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

8 months down, 5 more months to go.

i think me coming home at the end of june is an almost for sure thing.
because i want to go to europe in july. 5 countries in 2 weeks will probably be the quickest and cheapest chance i'll get....and i can always do europe again later on in life when im overflowing in the benjamens....or i guess in my case the queens.
i just ate an entire pack of ace crackers...gahh its so dangerous to be online and have snacks beside you. ace crackers are like deep fried i swear! and they're so addicting.....gahhhhhh

Thursday, January 17, 2008


i figured it out! i can change the langues setting back to english. oh em gee. im really not the computer nerd that everbody might assume. but yes i was off blogspot because i didnt know you could change the lauguage setting back to english. (it was in korean because im in KOREA! WOOT).
So my stint in korea is already half over. i only have 5 months left to my contract and i hope to be OUT OF HERE! i might stick around to make a few more piles of cash tutoring and stuff but i dont really mind not making as much money as i had hoped to....since i may be spending it all on a eurotrip anyway. AHAHAHA
well its good to be back on blogspot. i missed it. kind of...